Which Phono Preamp?

E.A.T. Glo S Petit, PS Audio Stellar Phono, or Pass Labs X-17?  
System is:

Pass Labs INT-60
VPI Classic 3 w/JMW 10.5 tonearm
Soundsmith Hyperion cartridge
Volti Audio Rival speakers
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I own the PS Audio and like it a lot. I have heard the Pass Labs and it might be better. I would go that route for continuity’s sake.

Coming up on one year with the PS Audio Stellar. I like it. Pretty versatile. I run dual TT’s with MM & MC Cart’s. I’ve used it with both SS and tube amps and a variety of speakers. It’s been hassle free. No comparative experience with your other choices. 

Parasound JC3+ great build quality, very flexible to use and the sound is one of the best in it's price range, designed by John Curl.