Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.

"Save for old people who tragically have no choice, COVID mainly infects the unintelligent."

We all hope you recover quickly.
Don't get vaccinated stupid people. Don't believe in science. The world will be a better place with less of you around.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but MC is right on point.  7 universities just checked 1500 "confirmed" C19 cases using SEM from KOCH Laboratories and were unable to detect C19 in a single sample. A CDC paper states they have been depending on 37-40 ladder links to identify an organism that has 30k to 40k ladders in it RNA. It's ALL been a lie.
I have always held SOME interest in your audio experience, though I  have not enjoyed your condescending, arrogant persona.  I have no interest in getting in a political or medical debate with anyone on this AUDIO website, as it is clearly inappropriate.  BUT I cannot sit by without comment on your ignorant espousal of  false medical information  and the ongoing pandemic.  You can believe what you wish, but the facts available do not mesh with your claims.  Besides the reliable statistics linked below, do you not know anyone who has had COVID and/or died from COVID?  If not, that is unusual, as I know quite a few, and the stories of the survivors are horrible, let alone the stories I cannot hear from the deceased...
Respectfully, please pass opinions on subjects that you at least have personal knowledge of, and try to be somewhat polite in doing so....

Jay Weiskopf, MD