The Absurdity of it All

50-60-70 year old ears stating with certainty that what they hear is proof positive of the efficacy of analog, uber-cables, your favorite latest and greatest audio "advancement." How many rock concerts under the bridge? Did we ever wear ear protection with our chain saws? Believe what you will, but hearing degrades with age and use and abuse. To pontificate authority while relying on damaged goods is akin to the 65 year old golfer believing his new $300 putter is going to improve his game. And his game MAY get better, but it is the belief that matters. Everything matters, but the brain matters the most.

Why so defensive? Did I touch a raw nerve? I have heard enough BS presentations at CES over the last 30+ years, plus I restore loudspeaker systems/components for that same amount of time, while also being a working musician for 45+ years to know what's good stuff vs. Bullstuff. There are excellent quality interconnect cables from a few bucks a foot, to making one's own for literally pennies a foot. When someone claims some breakthrough in physics for $30K for an 8 foot pair, and offers no engineering data to justify it, PT Barnum is applauding loudly. Hey...spend your money however you like, but the law in advertising such claims should be to prove objectively, first, why such a product(s) are intrinsically worth such outrageous sums.


You get it. My points exactly.

“Well, we seem to put our faith in the elderly for quite a bit nowdays, so why not in audio?”

Well said. 
One day, a few will clue in to the fact that if all they chase are marketing claims and not real substantiated audible claims, then things will never get better and that they are part of the problem.  Maybe some cables make an audible difference, but it will be an actual scientist or engineer that proves it, characterizes it, communicates how to replicate it, why it works, and how to take advantage of it, not the present lot of cable jockies and their wannabee hanger ons.
One day, a few will clue in to the fact that if all they chase are marketing claims and not real substantiated audible claims,
Too simplistic....

I listened some costly tweak product on youtube marketed by a well known company and it is EVIDENT that there is an audible effect....

But not necessarily an effect i would want in my system...

Anyway i replicated some of these tweaks AT LOW COST but without the artificiality in the audible effect... My device control was less powerful but more delicate in the musical effect....Then some may produce very real spectacular effect, but not necessarily something i would wanted to pay for...And anyway one could replicate some at peanuts costs....

All tweaks are not equal....

This is not fact only my own experience for sure....
More to discover