In my opinion, it resonates with Essien and Ansermet and can explain the importance of long tests.Gestalt psychology was created by disciple and readers of Goethe and readers of Kant corrected by Goethe study...Especially his color theory and his morphology of plants...Which are 2 among the deepest and beautifully ever written books in all history.... Like the "fractal objects" or Euclid geometry.....Books of art and science at the same time.... Where the observer is immersed in the things contemplated and in relation with them in an internal way and not only an external way and where the part always reflect the Whole ....... Gestalt points of concentration are born from Goethe....
And in my opinion Goethe is in the group of the greatest geniuses in history...
He founded phenomenology BEFORE Husserl....Among other things... And he successfully wrestle with Newton in color theory.... And he goes beyond Linne and reach Darwin step by himself, whitout succombing to any mechanictic thinking ever...He is too deep to be easily understood in spite of the fact that his thinking and prose are crystal clear contrary for example to Husserl...I read it in translation some german reader can contradict me here... 😁😊
No one could underestimated the only litterary genius on par with Shakespeare and many others in other fields...
He is well known for his studies in natural science and at his death this superhuman owned the greatest indivudual samples collection of specimen in natural science.... Reducing him to be a "poet" is ridiculous even if he is on par with Shakespeare or Homer....