TRL DUDE preamp

I've had the DUDE for about 5 years.  I've kept it on much of the time 24/7 except for when it storms and I unplug everything from the wall.  I bought the DUDE used from a second owner.  I'm going to guess that the DUDE had never had it's tubes replaced with NOS tubes or anything else either.  

I ordered 5 tubes from Andy's Vintage Tubes in Michigan.  It took awhile for him to test and get a pair of matched 6SN7 tubes so I didn't have any music for about 6 weeks between ordering and finally getting them in my system.

The NOS tubes, all RCA, were fantastic and made the DUDE so much more dynamic, clear, and detailed, while still offering a good helping of tone and texture.  I think I'm now hearing what all the fuss about the DUDE's sound was about.  The bass is even more real.  I've nearly finished my listening room that was somewhat built back in 2007.  The room is very quiet, yet the detail and dynamics are still there--very live sound.  Enjoyable system anchored by the DUDE, VMPS RM40 BCSE speakers, and the Nuforce Ref 9 V3 SE mono amps w/ TDSS level 3 upgrades.  The Modwright Sony 5400 Signature Truth takes care of my digital sound and I love it.  I will be getting my super Lenco 78 rebuild with most of the JTNantais mods and upgrades done.  It also has upgrades that maybe no one has that will take it to the top.  I decently added an Origin Live Illustrious II arm and a Walker Precision Motor Controller.  Am adding a Furutech IEC outlet to the rear in the next couple days so I can try different PCs.  I have a couple demo products from Artisan Fidelity that will make the sound very nice and easier to use.

Will report back soon on the total package when done.

Bob congrats on a great preamp and a fantastic sounding system. And glad the NOS tubes made things even better. One suggestion though I would at the very least turn your preamp off at night before bed to preserve tube life especially with pricey NOS tubes,
Hey Brian,

I traveled down to Bill’s (grannyring) house in Tennessee with a good friend to hear a pair of speakers he’d modded and to let him see the internals of my DUDE and see if there was anything he could do to improve on it as he did to the ones he owned. We had a great time and my friend bought Bill’s Tekton improved Double Impact speakers. Bill liked my DUDE and said it wasn’t worth doing an upgrade as most of what he would do was already done. My friend Bob still has that pair of DI’s and they are still awesome. We both have Nuforce Ref 9 V3 SE mono amps with the TDSS upgrades--very good sounding amps in a 7 lbs. each package.

Good luck on your search for a used DUDE.  They are now really rare as I haven't seen one online in about  4 years.
@laaudionut And apparently outperformed Aric’s preamps as well, as the Motherload 2 is the company’s top of the line pre!