Want to enhance my Audio system, need suggestions

I am a budget audio guy and currently have following two systems. My room size is 17ft x 14 ft x 8ft and I sit roughly ten feet from speakers.

System1: Harbeth P3ESR + Exposure 2010S2 + Oppo dvd player (this system is used for good quality recorded material)

System2: Tekton 4.5single driver monitors + Dayens Ampino/Miniwatt N3 + DacMagic + Oppo dvd player (mostly used for poorly recorded material and movies)

And I am planning to change the above to either of the following combinations.

System1: Harbeth P3ESR/Usher Be-718 monitors + Exposure 2010S2 + Oppo dvd player (placing the speakers on TV table, roughly 4 ft apart. If this sounds too bad then I don’t mind leaving them on stands)
System2: Omega Super6 XRS/Hoyt-Bedford Type2 floor standers + Dayens Ampino/Miniwatt N3 + DacMagic + Oppo dvd player

System1: Omega Super6/Hoyt-Bedford Type1 monitors + Dayens Ampino/Miniwatt N3 + DacMagic + Oppo (placing the speakers on to TV table, roughly 4 ft apart)
System2: Usher Dancer Mini 1/V 602/ProAc D-18 floor standers + Exposure 2010S2 + Oppo player

Which of the above combinations you guys would recommend. Ideally I want to have one of my systems with good midrange and other system with big and punchy sound.

I mostly listen to Rock, blues, East Asian (Indian) instrumental and East Asian (Indian) songs from 50s, 60s and 70s. All the East Asian material is very poorly recorded and I can’t change that fact nor I can change my music tastes just because of the recording quality!

I know that I should audition myself to see which one suits my requirements. But for above combinations, there is little scope for auditioning where I live.
Any suggestions and comments are highly welcome!
@Kbarkamian, Steady339, Roscoeiii and Inna: I am ruling out Sub option as i dont want to get into trying to match sub with the speakers etc.

But i am definitely open to getting a decent DAC. Earlier i did buy CambrdigeAudio DacMagic, but results are less than what i expected (minor improvement only). So guys please suggest me some nice DACs as well as CD players.
The Rega Apollo may be available for your price or less. I think they're being sold new for about $650 now, as they're going to be replaced by the Apollo-R soon. If they're $650ish new, the used prices should drop. Although, I'm not a fan of buying used CDPs. People buy them all the time, I'm just a bit weary of buying them due to transport/laser life.

The NAD and Cambridge CDPs also get great reviews. If you were underwhelmed by the DAC Magic, I'd probably rule out the Cambridge CDPs.
Rktxyz, as important as DAC is, transport is no less important, at least. I don't follow digital devices closely and their current prices and don't really know what $500 buy these days. But, I think, you should be able to get something pretty good that retailed for, say, $1200 or so.