Speaker purchase question

I have been a member here for 22 years, but encountered something today for the first time and would appreciate your opinions. 
I bought a pair of used speakers on Agon and they arrived with no grilles. The seller is stating that the pics did not have grilles (true) and they were not mentioned in the ad. These Rega speakers did come standard with grilles originally. I thought that the pics were taken to show the condition of the drivers. When I asked the seller, he said that he had looked into buying new grilles, but since he didn't mention them in the ad, it should have been obvious they weren't included. 
Am I wrong to feel deceived? I want to be reasonable and would be interested to hear other opinions. 

As the buyer of used goods, it is up to you to ask what you are buying especially when you cannot inspect the equipment  I have learned that when I purchased Alon speakers where the seller said the woofers were the Alnico models.  Years later when I needed to re-foam the surrounds, is when I found out that they were not - a $1600 option.

Live and learn.  You won't buy a used car that way would you or a home right?
I think we all would believe that the grilles would be included with the speakers for sure this is another case old the old buyer beware syndrome in action again.
I understand your idea that you’d wish the grills not being included had been stated.  I’d bet he didn’t state the speaker wire, source or amp were included either.  Sometime if you want to be sure if something is included we just have to ask.  In the end the onus is on is to make sure we know what we are buying.  We are the only ones who have our own best interest a heart.  Hope you find your grills 😀