This forum is antiquated.

I'm a member of several forums. This site is ancient in it's ability to respond to member's posts, and is also extremely cumbersome to reply to specific member's posts, quotes, etc. What am I missing? For some posts that are so technologically subjective....the objective merits of this website and forums are so 1990s. Ancient technology. 

Thoughts? Discuss.
Yep, quoting a post and replying to the post are two unique concepts and this sight would be wise to address. Some sites show a few lines of scrollable text to read more. ...done w one click. 

So, antiquated? No. Updates sure. 
I like the forum's people and content, I have received a lot of help here.

I agree, it could be better.

this site

you reply to specific people, or the OP

you reply (only what you write)


reply with quote (starts with prior posters text). leave it all, or leave only what you want, delete the rest

Post Photos; links, links to other conversations.

Private messages: post links. telephone numbers, email addresses, meet each other is easy with no hindrance.

others reply to you, or others or the OP, it always shows who you/they are replying to.

option: send private message.

New/Past Messages: there: click your profile, a drop down menu has 'messages'. Here, I find it a nightmare to change pages to even find the place to view past messages.
+1 Audioguy85

It would be nice to have a reply button on each post.  I'm sure some of you guys can afford to sit on this site for hours at a time.  Usually I'm a day or two late to the game, so if I see a post I would like to reply to then just hit the button and the two are linked.  Yes, I'm aware of quoting.
Just seems to me a few pages of posts would be easier to follow.

I do really enjoy A'gon with all of its warts.

Been working in IT for 20 years, things change at a pace that's impossible to keep up with. That's why I recently turned to music. In my noob quest to figure things out I found this forum. I was really happy to find people who would reply to my questions. The site also works on a mobile device properly. I couldn't care less about features, the people, their experience and their willingness to take the precious time out of their schedules is what matters! You'll soon burn out trying to chase the newest things, features, not to mention the bad intended, financially interested, even paid for people trying to shove the newest stuff down your unassuming throat. Thanks for keeping this forum alive, best wishes to all!