Brand Synergy

What’s your thoughts on brand synergy?
20-30 years ago when I tried to persuade brand synergy I thought it very important but not anymore. Now my approach is more customised and brand synergy not important at all for me. Is brand synergy something more than just tech specs matching for you?
A note on crafting sound for the consumers.
One of the most interesting interview I read was with (I think it was this company) the lead designer from MBL... who explained that he can make a component sound like anything he wanted... you want warm and you use this brand of resistors, these capacitors, and this kind of winding... if you want detailed... you choose these. This company produces some of the best sounding stuff. So their top level equipment was designed for highly discerning consumers. But there was a limited number of them (with $30K+ per component), so he was designing components for a line that appealed to a different set of values (and smaller pocket book). So, crafting sound is way beyond specification... it is about crafting the character of the sound.
I always suspected that true master craftsman knew their craft to this level. This interview confirmed it. One other thing... the choices in electrical components was minuscule fifty years ago compared to now. I was lucky enough to work in high tech electronics for the last forty years for companies that made components incorporated in high end audio gear... the difference is astonishingly large.
So, if you were to put together a really high system you had to pick and choose different companies components.
Totally agreed on this one. I’ll say when you go by brand synergy pattern, you just rely on someone else tase and if you like it you like it, but if you want to experiment and create something original there is no reason to go by pattern. 

What is this synergy of which you speak? 

And when you're done with that one, What is PRAT?
I find that the best systems are mix and match to find the best components of their type around the great amp makers are not the best preamp makers for example.