100 W Tube Amplifier Malfunctioned

I will not name the brand of the malfunctioned amp in question, except to say that it is a US brand and it is not a boutique shop. I bought direct from factory as there were no dealerships in my region of the world, Taiwan. As I traded in my old amps, I was given a discount and paid $5,000 for the pair. 

My system consists of a Verdier Turntable, A MFA Luminescence preamp, a Wadia 16 CDP and Eminent Technology LFT 8b speakers. The amps were brand new and worked well for 6 months. Then one of the amps malfunctioned. I sent it to a local technician, and determined that the transformer was shot. 

The malfunctioned amp was sent back  at my expense. After inspection,  I was told that the amp failed because it was operating over voltage. Our power grid delivers 110 v electricity.  And in order to be certain, the other amp which was perfectly fine was requested to be sent back for inspection. 

The solution for repair was to increase the VAC of the amp to 125 V, obviously for both amps, and the tubes will be inspected and biased accordingly. The cost for repair will be $ 850 for each amp. My questions is: Should I pay for the repairs? I was told the reason for the failure was due to the fluctuation of our local power grid. Therefore, the user is at fault. However, if it is  power grid is the problem, then why did only one amp fail? Would it not be a reasonable assumption that there are quality control issues at fault? 

Given that there are brand new amps ( six months old ), isn't paying $ 1650 for repairs unreasonable? Any insight would be appreciated. 
@roxy54 Thanks!

A bit of an explanation on acquiring the Mactone  I was so dejected with failed amps, and at the time not knowing the cause of the problem. I decided to look for a locally made amp. I live in Taiwan with many small electronic shops serving as OEM for branded US and European audio shops. There are quality electronics to be held, with zero resale value on the international market. While researching local wares, I chanced upon a Mactone with a very low asking price. One other advantage of living in Taiwan is that it is a three hour flight to Tokyo. There are many Japanese audio gear sold here at very reasonable prices. It turns out that the owner bought the Mactone ten years ago direct from Japan and was using it in a second system ( he has hi end Airtight for main rig ). Not many recognize the Mactone brand, and I got it for a steal, complete with box, cage, tubes, and Japanese instruction manual.

Yes, I guess I lucked out on this one.
6 months old and your paying for warranty work?
  Sell them and move on......

 the “excuse” of its your fault from over current is bull tripe!