Hapa Audio

I just wanted to give a shout out to Hapa Audio.  It's a new cable company that has come out with a really impressive RCA interconnect line.  Information for them can be found out on their website and Audio Circle.  I don't work
for the company but I am one happy consumer.  Jason(the owner and creator) has come out with some new innovative
geometry for this cable.  I purchased the Breathe C interconnects with upgraded Kle Absolute Harmony connectors.
Beautiful copper tone and detailed. It's a very hard combination to get for the price.. Beat my more expensive
interconnects(which I won't name). Other people have preferred his silver cables. Better synergy with their systems.
He is soon coming out with other products but he doesn't want to put them out until they are right and represent value.
Again, I'm just trying to help people improve their systems at a reasonable cost.  He has a trial period on his 
products in case they are not what you are looking for.
Hapa has a 'circle' on AC, with quite a lot of user reviews there.  Don't know if they are spotaneous or orchestrated by Hapa as guerilla online marketing.
I don't believe the reviews are orchestrated. They seem authentic as some reviews are not as enthusiastic as others. Generally- they are very positive.. Easiest way to find out about the product is to try it for yourself.

The reviews are from long time trusted and experienced Aphiles known in that audio community. I ordered a set based on the credibility of the posters and looking at the design.  I will report back once I have a chance to hear them in my system. 
They are basically a double Helix design with other damping methods and a very good sounding cable.

Wig 👍
Wig, you seemed to like the Breathe C ICs over your helix builds....,correct?