Is the Reimyo CDP777 Being Discontinued?

A friend heard at the CES that the JVC transport is no longer being made. Does anyone have any information about this?
I was thinking of buying a unit myself (and also selling some to potential customers) but after talking to May Audio, the importer this very week, I was told he had 3 units left and that would be all, no more coming. Yes, the transport is no longer being made but they have enough parts to cover any warranty work, if it ever arises.
There is a 6 moons reviewer who demonstrated the unique sonic value of the Reimyo transport mechanism by connecting other DACs to the CDP-777 via the digital output. So the fundamental question is: why discontinue such a great transport when there is still demand for the CDP that incorporated it? Can someone from JVC or Combax/Harmonix please explain this?
I heard the same thing from the European distributor, the CDP777 will be discontinued very soon.
Is there a new Reimyo cd player on plans?
I guess after 4 years of Reimyocdp777 on the top (at least one of top cdplayers around) there's the need for a new Reimyo cdplayer maybe based on an esoteric neovrds mechanism? or other custom transport?