Is the Reimyo CDP777 Being Discontinued?

A friend heard at the CES that the JVC transport is no longer being made. Does anyone have any information about this?
There is a 6 moons reviewer who demonstrated the unique sonic value of the Reimyo transport mechanism by connecting other DACs to the CDP-777 via the digital output. So the fundamental question is: why discontinue such a great transport when there is still demand for the CDP that incorporated it? Can someone from JVC or Combax/Harmonix please explain this?
I heard the same thing from the European distributor, the CDP777 will be discontinued very soon.
Is there a new Reimyo cd player on plans?
I guess after 4 years of Reimyocdp777 on the top (at least one of top cdplayers around) there's the need for a new Reimyo cdplayer maybe based on an esoteric neovrds mechanism? or other custom transport?