which speakers for low watt power amp?

My power amp is 75watt mono tube blue circle bc2.
Which speakers are best match?
Ho i need high dB? should i go for lower watt speakers or higher?
Please list some brands also.
Couple of quick questions:

Do you have a price range you would like to be in?

What size room will the system be in?

Do you prefer floorstander or bookshelf speakers?

I would probably avoid Martin Logan and any extremely power hungry speaker, but that's not really a low power amp.
Sonus Fabers can be beautiful with voices. They are also well known for having synergy with many mid-powered tube amps. Depending on your desire for bass...or 'only' voices...as well as your budget...the Guarneris are amazing and SOTA in the mids. I know them well having spent many years enjoying them, and you can speak with DaveyF about them, as he owns them. Hope that is helpful. One man's opinion.
highly recommend Classicloudspeaker T3.4 they have a website you can look them up.Fantastic full range floor standing horn speakers efficiency 102db/watt-m .I just replaced a pair of Focal JM Lab Novas with these speakers.You can only buy them from the manufacturer it is a custom order and it takes a while to get,worth the wait.