I am getting some new tubes for my amp, and I want to do a 24-hour burn in. How?

I am getting some new tubes for my amp, and I want to do a 24-hour burn in. How do I do that?
Do I turn it on but leave it on Standby for 24 hours?

Also, are there any benefits of doing this, anyway?
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OP, just wondering why you want to burn in for 24 hours? What makes you want to do that? Obviously, it's not strictly necessary to do this, and it's ever so easy for people to tell you that, but I'm more interested in what you read or what you're investigating that makes you ask the question.
LOL Go ahead MC tell um when you had your first tube fire, go ahead tell um.. Everyone thinks it's funny until you go threw a few..

It is nice when someone one else does it for you. :-)

I was having 1 in 10 red plate or just not work. They were great valves but you really had to check them. 6V6 from the USSR surplus. 1.50 per valve I picked up 300 close to 30 failed. Great valves.. My Multi Miser was getting a work out.. 

Just so you know, if there is going to be a failure it is usually within 2 minutes of a new valve OR a cold start. They will put quite a light show on in a dim room..