mystery muffled mids

I have a year-old setup I enjoy very much. B&W D3 805s and Hegel H590. Sound is really great. Imagining fantastic. every second with it is pleasure until I try to play classic rock. Anything by Led Zeppelin sounds like someone has smushed the sound and it lost the mid range, imagining disappears. I tried playing louder but live with too many people around to be able to do that constantly. And it did not improve anything noticably. 
I normally stream from Tidal via Audirvana. Anything by Bill Frisell, for instance, sounds phenomenal. You feel you can grab the instrument from the air. I mention this since he uses similar instruments to Zeppelin. Bowie's stuff sounds awful, as does Queen. I know they should sound better. Kind of Blue is fantastic. Gaucho, Sea Change, Elephunk, Wildfloflowers, Know what I mean? -- all great. To a friend, I said that this means bad recordings sound bad. The friend said that's not it. what do you say? How can I improve the sound? thank you in advance.
Two things come to mind. First is the source, Led Zep LPs sound OK but not that great not sure about Tidal, etc. Those records were mixed down on studio horn systems and when you turn it up to 11 using big horns it rocks the house. 
I suggested trying different speakers as a process of elimination. It would rule out other potential sources. 
following suggestions here, i tried another pair of speakers. it's definitely not the speakers. Thanks! 
Your description sounds like your bass is overwhelming the soundstage. Sounds like room interaction bass problem. Speaker placement 
could you elaborate what makes you think bass is an issue? And why it would impact only some music but not others? thanks!
I forgot to put that I have a sub, B&W ASW610.