DIY Speakers

If you are skilled enough to make speaker boxes where can you find good woofers, tweeters, and crossovers? And not parts express. 
Madisound for woofers, midrange, tweeters and crossover parts.

You can also look at Sonic Craft, VH Audio and Parts Connexion ( for additional crossover part options which Madisound does not carry.
Why does everyone hammer on parts express? I’ve purchased many replacement drivers from them and found no problem with anything I bought there.If there was a problem they were real quick to take it back. Somebody must be buying there because the place is huge and has one of the best inventories in the United States and Canada.
I don't think the OP really "hammered" on Parts Express.  I think he's just looking for the higher end of DIY speaker parts.  I have purchased several things from Parts Express and they are an excellent company.  Their "Dayton" series of drivers are very excellent for the money and sound damn good for what you are paying.  They are not the highest resolution parts, but they definitely don't sound bad.  I have used other types of drivers from Parts Express when I need a specific type of driver.  They do carry Janzen caps which are also good as well as Solen caps.  They also have an excellent level of subwoofers and full range drivers.

But they don't carry stuff like Seas, Accuton, ScanSpeak, Mundorf, etc.
Really if you look at what you're buying and know what your doing Parts Express has supplied a LOT of speaker manufactures through the years.

The manufactures that don't use off the shelf drivers, like what PE has in stock, usually try to sell the buyer on their special driver when in fact it is to corner parts replacement in the future.. In other words, buy from me, BUT when I say they are out of stock and cost 700.00 a pop for a bass driver... or  2k for a pair of tweeters.. WRONG ANSWER...

Give me a break.. There isn't a 700.00 dollar driver made on EARTH...
Much less some of the freaky high prices on tweeters...

I don't know 30" sub with a 60lb magnet.. 

I love it when the excuse is we had to modify the this or the that on the driver. I can see something adjustable like phase plug length or taper. BUT to just make it "FROM US ONLY"... No thanks...
