Mirage M1 with SET amplifier

I know this big bipolar speakers has low sensivity ( about 83dB ) 
but impedance looks to be friendly ( 6-4 ohm )
What do You think , SET 300B amplifier ( 8 watt but very good transformators Tamura ) - i love this sound
can play with M1 in relatively small room ?
An unlikely pairing but in a small room and at low volumes it could be listenable. If you love the M-1 you should get a more appropriate amp however, a higher powered pushpull amp might work.
As you can see while needing watts >50w+) for their low efficiency, they don’t need an amp with brute current because they are a relatively easy drive load even for a PP tube.

Overall, the M-1 should be relatively easy to drive, though the droop in the top octave would suggest that low-powered tube amplifiers should probably be best avoided.
This speaker will certainly give a pretty full measure of low bass, as can be seen from the in-room, spatially averaged, 1/3-octave response https://www.stereophile.com/images/archivesart/mirMir1fig2.jpg
All in all, I would agree with LA’s conclusion that the M-1 is an exceptionally well-balanced design.—John Atkinson

Cheers George
I own a 300b SET and understand your interest. 
No doubt the Tamura output transformer is very high quality. 
I have to agree with other posters here that this is Not a particularly good pairing. To drive an 83 db sensitivity speaker is asking a lot from an 8 watt SET amplifier (Even a superb one).

As Jond said, in a small room playing at modest volume levels you would likely achieve "listenable " results but not the best results. Individually the speaker and SET amplifier could very well be excellent, but not as a match. Each deserves a more suitable partner.