recommendation for stereo tube amplifier for Marten Bird 2 speakers other than EAR....


I am looking for ideas for my new Marten Bird 2 speakers.  I am getting excellent results with Pass Labs X260.8 monoblocks but would like a stereo tube option too and looking for ideas other than EAR 890.  As the Marten is open and transparent but is 89db I would like something that has strong bass for a tube amp.  I would prefer stereo tube amp as it gets hot in socal......
The Martens are wonderful loudspeakers (I've heard them), and the M-60 a great amp (I've owned them), but with a nominal impedance of 6 ohms (dropping to below 5 at some frequencies) I’m not sure that is a good pairing (unless you add the AntiCables Autoformer between the two). I would look for a Music Reference RM-200 MK.2, the only tube amp I know of that was designed to work into low impedances.
The review of these speak is really excellent. What other equipment do you own? Given their description,  I can’t imagine Audio Research Reference 160 s or m would not sound fantastic. My speakers have 4ohm impedance and are a great match.