Fuses are noisy. You can use a small value capacitor, 0.01 uF and smaller wired between live and ground to mitigate the noise.
Note, if you wire the capacitor upstream from the fuse, you have to use a capacitor that is rated to be used on mains I.e. a class Y capacitor. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/safety-capacitor-class-x-and-class-y-capacitors/
Downstream from the fuse you can use a regular film capacitor.
I found a good quality film cap downstream from the fuse wired across live and ground sometimes produces an audible improvement in the sound. A Y cap upstream from the fuse not so much.
Fuses are noisy. You can use a small value capacitor, 0.01 uF and smaller wired between live and ground to mitigate the noise.
Note, if you wire the capacitor upstream from the fuse, you have to use a capacitor that is rated to be used on mains I.e. a class Y capacitor. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/safety-capacitor-class-x-and-class-y-capacitors/
Downstream from the fuse you can use a regular film capacitor.
I found a good quality film cap downstream from the fuse wired across live and ground sometimes produces an audible improvement in the sound. A Y cap upstream from the fuse not so much.