6922 recommendations for ARC PH7

Hi folks,

Looking to roll the tubes in my Audio Research PH7 phono pre. Looking for a recommendation for a 6299 that will extend the top end, midrange and give me a little more airiness without sacrificing the bottom end (Sorta what we are all looking for right lol) 

the  tubes I’m currently using are 4 Electro-Harmonix which sound good but they are a little laid back on the top. Very neutral sound which is a good thing, but want to try something new. My main room is not a very lively room as it is. However after testing the ARC in my living room system which is much more lively room I still am not getting the result I’m after. Dont get me wrong. Not complaining about the sound of the pre at all. I have been wanting to roll the tubes in this piece for some time now if not more than to just experiment with. Just got the itch to try something new. 

where did you source the Phillps from if i might ask ?

i have some Cryo treated Russian Rockets in my RM-4, they are indeed lovely
I got them from upscale audio. I trust them. I think Kevin does a good job. Bought some other tubes from him. Buying tubes is risky if you don’t get them from a reliable source. I’m sure im preaching to then choir. 
These are much more reasonable https://upscaleaudio.com/collections/preamp-tubes/products/electro-harmonix-6922-gold-pin?variant=29...They are the gold pin Electro-Harmonix. I have the "Kevin’s Stash" grade and they have a very clean top end and are also extremely quiet.

Sorry, but I’ll have to disagree about these tubes. I recently bought a pair and the highs don’t hold up when pushed. My pair sounded artificial at the top-end, not realistic or natural. However, they were full bodied and very quiet.
As always, YMMV.


Actually I think that what came OEM in my ARC. I don’t push it that hard so I have never experienced the same think you have. I think it’s a good sounding tube tho. Just a little relaxed on the top, and midrange for me. 
Also these are being used in a phono stage and not a main pre so maybe there is a difference.