Power cable education needed

Hi everyone. I need some education on power cables. I have been reading that a good power cable is vital to a good sounding system. If that is true wouldn’t the companies the make the components include a good power cable to insure their product sounds the best that it can ? Should I evaluate the power cables in all of the components in my system? 

"Should I evaluate the power cables in all of the components in my system?"


The only education you need is to listen to some different power cables. You may be able to get loaners from a local dealer, or use the Cable Company to obtain loaners.

31 posts
04-29-2021 8:42am
Since there are so many aftermarket Power cables are selling well, the reasonable explanation is they do make a difference. The audiophiles are the ones pay more attention and enjoy high quality music reproduction. They can not be all crazy.

When you look at the market as a whole, most audiophiles do not use expensive aftermarket cords.

Most audiophile also don't use suitable acoustic treatments, something that is absolutely known to work. Ad populem works both ways.

There are far far too many examples of things with huge followings that do nothing.
Cables are used to fine tune your system to your personal preference.  The same rational as why butchers do not season the meat they sell, they leave it up to the customer.
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