Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo

What a bargain, still bet they sound great with the right amp up them, looking at that impedance/phase angle graph.
XVX is a very demanding load, with EPDR less than 1.1 ohms between 52Hz and 66Hz and between 197Hz and 287Hz, with minimum values of 0.91 ohms at 450Hz and 0.94 ohms at 3250Hz. The Chronosonic XVX should be used with amplifiers that don't have problems driving loads of 2 ohms and lower.


Cheers George

If one is going to spend $300K on a speaker, there would only be one choice.  The MBL 101 Extremes.
Doug, perhaps you need to talk with both amp and speaker designers before making a ridiculous statement as you did above about speaker impedance. Remember that you are attempting to attract people to your writing and the best way to do this would to be correct in what you say. In what world is a low impedance load preferable to a high impedance load when discussing amplifiers? Just because an amp doesnt blow up doesnt mean that it is happy with such a load and furthermore that the amp will behave the same in terms of sonics. Please tell me that a low impedance load is preferable to a high impedance load. Even better, please tell me that this issue is entirely amplifier dependent. 


Low impedances,  certainly are not my preferred scenario. When I brought my ESL-57's home, and looking at the impedance curve, I was a bit concerned with what I drove them with. If given the option of what impedance speaker I would get - if the manufacturer offered that option - my preference would be to go higher.

Having said that, if there was a speaker that did have a impedance dip or peak, and if I liked how it sounded (ESL-57...) I would just be aware of the demands on the amp. So, tubes for the ESL's it is!

And there are amps that will manage low impedances without straining very much. But I do agree, any part of the system that is stressed, is not going to be operating at it's best.

406 posts
04-29-2021 12:51pm
"Dismissal. Arrogance. Ignorance. Disrespect.

Most of these come with age and experience, as well as a healthy skepticism for things with extreme price tags."

Hot news flash. These are precisely the personality defects one is supposed to leave behind with experience and wisdom. These are not places where one should aspire to arrive at.
Hotter news flash. The dismissal, arrogance, ignorance, and disrespect displayed by the ilk of yours, oftentimes gets met with the likes of Newton's Third Law. You get what you give...and it's learned with experience...and enough self esteem to give it right back, bub.