Dear @mglik : You posted :
" The cartridge probably has about 2000 hours on it. "
1K hours is way different. In normal conditions and with that amount of hours seems to me that the culprit of those distortions is not the cartridge.
The cartridge could be only if it’s showing a problem with its suspension or that for whatever reason the stylus tip is in someway " loose " with the cantilever. Both conditions are not present very often in a cartridge as the one you own but could happens and by coincidence started with your new unit because before it you did not experienced that developed distortions.
" On dynamic peaks..... the sound breaks up and produces distortion. "
" Old vocals and piano are frequently bad "
" I really only noticed this distortion after inserting my new.."
After all what I said and posted to you the other alternative is that your new unit is not up to its new condition specs.
Now that I remember could be a third possibility and this is the cable tonearm that some Triplanar owners warned that if it’s not in the precise rigth position will not " track " as should be.
" The cartridge probably has about 2000 hours on it. "
1K hours is way different. In normal conditions and with that amount of hours seems to me that the culprit of those distortions is not the cartridge.
The cartridge could be only if it’s showing a problem with its suspension or that for whatever reason the stylus tip is in someway " loose " with the cantilever. Both conditions are not present very often in a cartridge as the one you own but could happens and by coincidence started with your new unit because before it you did not experienced that developed distortions.
" On dynamic peaks..... the sound breaks up and produces distortion. "
" Old vocals and piano are frequently bad "
" I really only noticed this distortion after inserting my new.."
After all what I said and posted to you the other alternative is that your new unit is not up to its new condition specs.
Now that I remember could be a third possibility and this is the cable tonearm that some Triplanar owners warned that if it’s not in the precise rigth position will not " track " as should be.