What is better, analog or digital?

I'm listening to the Best of Marley on the album, and I have to say it sounds better then digital.   More definition and more realism.  Of Course this is MHO  Using a Rega Planer 1 w a cheaper Project phono amp.  

 Let the debate begin, and what should i change out first for better sound
Digital of course...

It is more precise, noise free, much more practical to play and it is 21st century technology.

Plus, you do not destroy the medium every time you listen to it, albeit small.
Ok so I "invested" in the latest McIntosh MCD85 SACD player to go with my McIntosh MA352 tube hybrid integrated amp (analog inputs only, no digital). The MCD85 offers a 32 bit DAC and is connected with balanced cables. My vinyl is played on a Pro-Ject Classic turntable with an Ortofon 2M Black cart.  I'm using the McIntosh MM phono amp in the MA352.

The more I run standard CDs through the Mac the better they sound. Almost as good as vinyl; sometimes just as good. On some material where I have both a vinyl edition and CD version, its very close.

I've found the better the equipment, the more revealing the quality of the source. There are some Jazz CDs that just sound better than Rock vinyl.  That said vinyl and CD quality can vary widely depending on how it was mixed or pressed.  If I have to rank them overall it's still 1) vinyl, 2) SACD, then 3) CDs, as one might expect.  I can also use the MCD85 DAC to convert digital sources like Pandora (via Marantz NA6005 Network Player).  Streaming quality is very similar to CD; better if HD version.

I'm thinking that as detailed a digital slice of the analog wave you get with an SACD, its still a slice and not the full analog wave.  I'd still like to enjoy my CD collection as well as vinyl, so I'm counting on the MCD85 to deliver on CDs.

One note, since the resurgence of vinyl, CDs have gotten very inexpensive while vinyl keeps getting more and more expensive.  SACDs are very difficult to find and run as much if not more than vinyl. 
If you like junk food, digital is fine. If you prefer more tasty and healthy cuisine stay with analogue.
Please can we have a ban on repeat posting of this topic?

Why does everyone want to weigh in EVERY time?
Do they just pick from a library of old posts?
I read nothing above but the topic title.
Digital of course...

It is more precise, noise free, much more practical to play and it is 21st century technology.

Plus, you do not destroy the medium every time you listen to it, albeit small.

Oh, you almost had me. For a minute I thought you were serious.

Good one........touche'