The statement does not say that science itself or logic or the art of investigation is in any way complete, nor does it suppose that dogmatism is a thing.
Arguing with human emotion as a deep colorant and filter in one’s own formation of logic... is also an act of partial and limited depth analysis with the logic bits being all askew.
Since we don’t know everything, this part is inevitable. to be on guard for it with every single thought form of any kind.
at no point in any of the given motions of working through the considerations, should anyone assume that any of the bits in place are perfected or immutable. that’s the creep of the deep mindset of humans in ’dogmatism’, coming into the fray again. coloring. owning. projecting. deciding and living in the emotional coloring and skewing of logic.
really bad news for science.
which the idea of science is specifically designed to sidestep and take into account, and never issue any facts of any kind. to never be dogmatic, to never have facts, to revert all to mutable, changeable theory. otherwise dogmatism rises in the mind and colors facts into existence - when there are none.
Most times these sort of threads are rife with limited depth projections built out of dogma and factualization. A fundamental and core human issue.
if you want to have a discussion that is to be based in the idea and form/scope of science.... then shed the dogma and facts, in everything. Then..maybe we'll start to get somewhere useful.