"Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse?"

If you have to ask for it, it is.

I thought I heard/saw it all until I read “bottle neck distortion.”

Same here.

"Great fuses that solved all my problems."

If there are fuses in my amplifier, they must be great. They never give me any problem.

Why even start a thread on this ridiculous "snake oil"
Unless it’s to bring up talk on more affordable "snake oil" fuser talk

Estate/Car/SR, sales manual, page 34 paragraph 4 subsection 3.
Creating a segue
"how to sell "snake oil" to the gullible, and make them believe it.

Now watch the backlash from the snake oil clan of fuser disciples

Cheers George
See what happens when you bang your head against the wall all the time?
You get posts like these.

And don’t forget the fuser disciples leader, Synergistic Research’s Ted Denney had the 3 threads he started removed, as too 10 of his 13 posts he’s did removed.

"See what happens when you" try to con the gullible, it comes back on you.

Cheers George