Do you mean that Ted Denny? The one you griped and complained about not having the guts to show up here and when he did, you ignored him? That Ted Denny?

All the best,

Didn't have to this time, many times previously I’ve asked him to confirm what you fusers say about AC fuses being directional and other snake oil things.
Not once did he back you fusers, NOT ONCE.

Now he’s had most of his posts deleted and all of his threads he started.
He probably on a very short leash, now.

Synergistic Research’s Ted Denney had all 3 threads he started removed, as too 10 of his 13 posts he did removed.

"See what happens when you" try to con the gullible, it comes back on you on the ****.
Personally I know several guys with $$6 figure audio systems ,not one I know 
will dump $2k on a fuse.  The best upgrade I have found is Hifidelity audio cables 
3D Nano contact enhancer that treats a whole system+  including making any fuses better and I have used on the very good Synergistic 🍊 fuses. Speaking for myself,  I just don’t have $1,000s just to blow .