Initial disappointment with 1st set of “expensive’ IC’s...

I’ve been slow working my way to equipping my rig with all Cardas as I’ve been fan of their quality/sound signature an for a long time. I just received 2 sets of Clear Light IC’s which I’m using DAC to Pre and Pre to Amp. up until now all other Cardas cables that I have were obtained used and sounded great from day 1. The Clear Light however are brand new..when I sat down to give them a listen I was surprised not to hear any improvement...I was actually disappointed to hear what I can describe as a fatter bass and subdued upper end. My prior IC’s were Shirokazu Yazaki Belden 8402. I admittedly do not have golden ears but the difference was obvious. I’m interested to hear what other Cardas owners have to say about how their cables sounded when 1st installed. 
Post removed 
So if the Cardas wire is so good and superior, why does it need an authenticity card? Shouldn’t it be obvious? :-)

"Superior", that’s up to your ears. No, not "obvious" to an untrained eye and unknowing buyer. It’s an actual serial numbered cable and registered library with Cardas for repairs, warranty, and re-termination of ends if necessary. Some owners keep them for 20+ years, and buyers want to know they are authentic too. Send them back to Cardas to authenticate if someone is uncertain and needs help. :-(

FAKE COUNTERFEIT imposter cables are out there.  Watch out! Idiots make them and uninformed people buy them thinking they got a deal. And, yes, it becomes very "obvious" when fakes sound like crap. Buyer Beware!
They are one of the most counterfeited cables out there. See all the links and articles with photos below. 








Cardas verification, Facebook:’re-often-asked-to-verify/10156892349565131/

Article by Element Acoustics in CA:

Best of Luck
I’m surprised no one suggested placing the cables in the freezer for 72 hours..

Well actually I do. Not the freezer in your mommas basement, and not for 72 hours, but cryo treatment. 
" I’m surprised no one suggested placing the cables in the freezer for 72 hours.."

Because there is no reason to do that, however, if you are talking about cryogenics one needs to be at least  -150 degrees C.