“Hamilton” is a Rap masterpiece!

“I’m not throwing away my shot!”
Third time may be a charm.
Yes, true that much of Rap is strident and confrontational. Not mention the other negative elements.
But in my examination of many of the suggestions of people’s favorite Rap, I have indeed, discovered many pieces that are brilliant and fascinating. There is no denying that the musical value is extreme and undeniable.
A true art form developed over decades, there is much true innovation.
My personal taste leans heavily toward traditional song structure and, as such, prefers Rap with strong melodic elements. However, I understand the passion and creativity behind Rap based on a more rhythmic basis. Also true that the ever present anger is difficult to take but understandable. It is sad that there is so much.
But it is absolutely clear that “Hamilton” is a modern masterpiece of Rap. Brilliantly telling the story of this central figure in our founding. Engaging and gripping.
The last two Rap threads were shut down because members were frequently criticized for their opinions.
There is no question that Rap engenders much feeling. Can we agree to disagree?

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“Will somebody please tell me "What is a Liberal"?”

Someone who believed in live and let live and free speech.
@ngiordano your posts are unhelpful. @orpheus10 is a wonderful Audiogon friend to all and undeserving of your insults. That was uncalled for and unkind.

A liberal is someone who believes that everyone helping everyone is better than the alternative. A liberal can actually be fiscally conservative as many are. A liberal believes there are thresholds to which all humanity should be lifted economicaly because its actually better financially than the alternative not to mention kinder. Opportunity is not equally distributed and its up to all of us to do what we can to ensure a fair chance for all.

Alot of people are scared these days, dog whistles are abundant and the flow of information today travels so much faster than ever before. I used to believe that the pockets of bigotry and hatred and cruelty were the result of a lack of education or exposure to diverse peoples and thoughts. Unfortunately, I believe these things are fear based. A person from a certain area or race could rest well knowing there was another person relegated to a rung on the ladder lower than them. Then they discover and feel rage that people are mobile when given a fair chance. Through equal opportunity and hard work and access to education and ideas and knowledge, we can discover that we live in a world where its possible where a non white or non male can do as fine or even a better job in a profession as anyone else.

A liberal believes that even the non liberal deserves an equal chance at happiness although the inverse is rarely true. A liberal believes that everyone is free to worship (or not) in a way that they find comforting, a non liberal believes that everyone is free to worship in their way…or else!….that America and freedom of religion go hand in hand but that they are categorically seperate.