“Hamilton” is a Rap masterpiece!

“I’m not throwing away my shot!”
Third time may be a charm.
Yes, true that much of Rap is strident and confrontational. Not mention the other negative elements.
But in my examination of many of the suggestions of people’s favorite Rap, I have indeed, discovered many pieces that are brilliant and fascinating. There is no denying that the musical value is extreme and undeniable.
A true art form developed over decades, there is much true innovation.
My personal taste leans heavily toward traditional song structure and, as such, prefers Rap with strong melodic elements. However, I understand the passion and creativity behind Rap based on a more rhythmic basis. Also true that the ever present anger is difficult to take but understandable. It is sad that there is so much.
But it is absolutely clear that “Hamilton” is a modern masterpiece of Rap. Brilliantly telling the story of this central figure in our founding. Engaging and gripping.
The last two Rap threads were shut down because members were frequently criticized for their opinions.
There is no question that Rap engenders much feeling. Can we agree to disagree?

Can we agree to disagree?
We quit agreeing to disagree, 10-15 yrs ago. Now we have cancel culture like @flynnrd has proposed for MC. Guess where this came from? This is what happens when a group of people cannot win the debate on the merits of their ideas alone which I can guarantee applies to @flynnrd and others here who call for MC’s cancellation. .

Study some history, especially that of 1933-1942 Germany. Cancellation of people who’s ideas you do not agree morphs into cancelling (killing) the person &/or group sooner or later. Germany, Armenia, and countless genocides started in the same way. When agreeing to disagree disappears, bloodshed usually follows.

I cannot speak to "Hamilton" except from sources I trust. I believe they agree that it is revisionist history. I know that IMO, they did themselves no favors by calling out & belittling the VP when he was in the audience, rather than continuing the show.
Post removed 

Does a liberal also call people who object to a piece of art, a racist
as your friend Orpheus did here?
It's apparent to me that the deleters here at Agon are the problem. They got some kind of "Black people Psychosis"

@artemus_5 sometimes history needs revising. The first version of history is always written by the powerful and the victorius in a given conflict. The first version is rarely much more accurate than the first revision. Its a free and unfettered press that usually helps humanity see the truth, even if they choose to look away. A couple of recent examples you mention like Kristallnacht and the Armenian genocide were perpetuated by the far right who despised liberal principles. Thankfully the truth came out because survivors escaped and a free press reported it. Other recent examples:the Gulf of Tonken and WMD. 

I havent seen Hamilton although I understand it is a well done event. I also believe that an American has a right to boo or disapprove of Mike Pence or Bill Clinton. One way streets are not ideal are they.

no one is trying to virtue signal or cancel culture anyone. In fact, its those being called on the carpet for expressing an illogical or unkind opinion who cry foul. Its ok to express that you believe a certain $5,000 speaker is better than a $50,000 speaker. Its not ok to insist a racist or bigotry based statement isnt racist or bigoted. Feel and believe whatever you want but dont claim up is down and expect universal agreement.
@artemus_5 they do if that’s what they believe. 

Does a liberal also call people who object to a piece of art, a racist
as your friend Orpheus did here?
It's apparent to me that the deleters here at Agon are the problem. They got some kind of "Black people Psychosis"