What is an audiophile? Are you an audiophile?

I had been pondering this question since I have been involved in audio. Not sure what audiophile means. I went to a few fellow audio gurus get together events and although I had fun and liked the company, I felt out of place. In fact of the opinions and passion people here on Audiogon have, I do not have such strong attachments. So what is your take.... are you an audiophile? If you are, how do you know?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop
@sheps nailed it: "It’s about appreciating that sound can be something that has qualities that can be pleasingly improved."

For those who say "who cares" or "it’s just a label," they need to explain why others are debating it or why they bothered to post on this thread at all. Obviously, it matters. Labels matter because they are like moves in a game made by others -- ways which may wind up in action.  Anyone who’s gotten upset at being called a name or being categorized unfairly knows that labels matter, a lot. (Anyone who disagrees with that, please step forward and accept the label of "socialist" or whatever. You'll hesitate because, well, labels matter. And if you're on this forum, the label audiophile matters.)

Whatcha gonna do? Fight for the definitions which you think are best.
the people who don't get into discussions about
do speakers need to break in
do speaker wires matter
do speakers stands matter
does room treatment matter
if you hear a story of someone paying the price of a new car for a component and you are waiting for the storyteller to finish it, make a point

"No. I have thought a lot about this, and I love music more than the gear.
I want the best music presentation I can afford, both precision and dynamic range, it greatly enhances the listening experience. But when I compare my thoughts on the hardware with an audiophiles I see where I fall short of the pursuit of perfection they have towards their equipment".

My thoughts, exactly !