Recommendations on Integrated Tube Amp around $5k

I'm in the process of downsizing my system due to a move into a smaller space.  I've worked hard over the last year to put together what I feel is a spectacular sounding system (Magnepan 3.7's, Bryton 7B3 Monoblocks, Bryston BP-26 Pre) but it just won't work in my new space.  

Rather than cry, I'm having fun with the idea of building a more intimate sounding system.  I purchased Devore Gibbon 3XL's and I have to say I'm extremely impressed.  For their size they cast a very nice sounds stage and sound much bigger than the floor space they occupy.  With a more efficient speaker in the Devore's I thought I would go the tube route for amplification in hopes of expanding the sound stage even further.   I've been looking at several options including Line Magnetic's 845ia, Prima Luna Evo 400, Conrad Johnson CAV45-S2 and the Raven Blackhawk.  

I'm also fine with looking at used options to increase the value for the money at around $5k.  A used Jadis DA60 caught my eye but I'd really like to have a remote volume control (which I don't believe the Jadis offers) as my DAC (Audio Mirror Tubadour III) doesn't have a volume control.  

Appreciate any insight on the above mentioned amps or any additional recommendations you care to share.  

A little late to this thread but in my house I have had the Rogue CM, PrimaLuna Dialogue HP (or whatever the precursor to the Evo300 was), and LM 805ia. As @facten states, the Rogue has a very "solid-state" sound and didn't offer enough differentiation over a good SS amp to make it worthwhile. The PL was certainly much more "tubey" if that's what you want but suffers for the very same reason.
I own the LM805ia and it is in another league. Class A SET magic and you can tune/tube roll to your hearts content. (be forewarned that it's a huge rabbit hole, but a fun one).
"I own the LM805ia and it is in another league"

I don't find your listening results at all surprising.  It's good you were able to  perform direct amplifier comparisons in your own system.
Try a hybrid like a Pathos InPol Classic Remix.

blows Raven, LM, ARC away. 
Or go SS with Moon340ix 
$5k. A used Jadis DA60 caught my eye but I'd really like to have a remote volume control (which I don't believe the Jadis offers

Any of the jadis Intergrateds  Thinbs up, except the I50, not sure about the KT150 performance, which the I50 requires.
They get snaped up in 1 week, so grab it when you see one offered.

 Cayin's larger size KT88 intergrateds. Not often on the used market and go FAST.
There are plenty of excellent intergrateds now on the market, such as LM labs. 
A remote?