How many vinyl albums do you own you listen to?

So far I own around 300 vinyl albums all purchased in a last 20 years. Even while I listen to for about 10 albums a week it seems I want to keep adding more and more to my library. I wonder if there is a point when one says it's enough, there is no point to add more as there is no time or an interest to listen to them all. How many do you have? How much time it look to put it together? How many of them do you really listen? 
+/- 500 I may listen to 20-25 per year. My collection is mostly NM, M- from the late 50's to early 2000's. Mainly Jazz, Big Band, pop/rock and eclectic/avant-garde stuff. My CD, SACD and streaming collection is much much larger.

I got back in to vinyl heavily about 4 years ago and I've accumulated833 (per my discogs collection).

Frankly I've never wanted to own so many records that I didn't listen to many of them and didn't even know what I own.   So I've tried to curate my buying to only records I truly really like or love, purely on the music (not "collecting" records just to have them, no desire to "complete" sets or anything).     The result is that I have a good idea of what's in my collection and I can grab any album and enjoy it.

Still, it is addictive and I have to get a lid on purchasing or I WILL become one of those with "too many " records.   I think sheer ergonomics and space for records may put a cap on mine around 1,000.
I have somewhere over 2000 CDs. There are many that don't get regular play, but that is the luxury of a "library". They are there when you want to hear them, or have a guest who wants to hear something that I don't normally listen to. Every few years, I do eliminate things that I don't think are worthy of the space they occupy.
3000 for me. I have been buying them since I was a teenager and never stopped. It was funny as cds become popular all my friends would give me their vinyl. 
Agreed!  I collected a lot of great albums as my friends dumped them for CDs.  Kept all except the truly beat up ones or the ones I did not care for.  Passed those on to others to try.  I currently have about 2500 including the first one I bought in High School, I think it was around 1974.  Black Sabbath - Masters of Reality.  I cull every so often and still collect both at the used record stores and on-line, pretty much all genres.  I listen every day, several albums a day.  I have no TV and haven't put one of the 500 CDs on in more than 2 months.  No streaming.  Love the vinyl, also 45s and 78s.