Power Conditioner vs A/C cables

Here's my question...Is it necessary to buy expensive power cables downstream of a high-end power conditioner?
What do they do that hasn't already been done?  As long as you don't go so cheap you degrade the signal.
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A question with a bazillion possible responses.

Simple approach is buy and try. I use AC regen and aftermarket cable on everything.

Thread subject is one that can go south quick.

I've not found power cables that useful, except to get shielded cables, which can be had relatively inexpensively.

Shielded cables can prevent your digital devices or other noise sources from reintroducing noise your conditioner removed.  This comes up so often I wrote about it in my blog, including links to inexpensive shielded cables:

If you have a neurotic fixation on power cords just get some $90 Pangeas from AA. I assure you they are excellent and very well made. Cost-effective and will not degrade the sound quality of any component! I'd worry about what's coming out of your power supplies - not what is coming out of the wall outlets!
Both. One does not negate the need for the other. Very clear and easy to hear.

Ted Denney Lead designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
A good power cable before and after power conditioning, has alway deliver better sound for me.