I have heard the Infinity IRS---as well as their original Servo-Static I and RS-1b (which I for a time owned), Wilson WAMM, current big Wilsons (don’t know that model, but they retail for around $200,000, I believe), single and stacked Quads (my own), Magnepan 30.7 (and the earlier Tympani T-IVa, upon which the 30.7 is based. I currently own a pair), all the Acoustats, Jadis horns, Altec Voice Of The Theater, Marten Coltrane, all the Martin Logans, big SoundLabs, Vandersteen Model 5, and others that don’t come to mind at this moment.
But if I was to go out and buy a pair now, the Sanders ESL would be at the top of my list. I’ve heard them twice, and LOVED ’em!
But if I was to go out and buy a pair now, the Sanders ESL would be at the top of my list. I’ve heard them twice, and LOVED ’em!