The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I would love to hear Vienna acoustics 'the music'. Big wilsons in big rooms sound amazing, the raidho d1.2 in the right room but for the cost of the wilsons you could follow your favorite musicians around the world for years so. meh 
bill clinton, conveyed ideas in plain english, compelling and

No Bill Clinton fan here at all. But I think most any sane person would welcome him back with open arms when viewed in the current climate..........

not saying i agreed with what he would be saying... but his speaking skills were/are unparalleled... if you listened, you were drawn in, could not misunderstand what he was trying to convey

best speaker in that sense 😁😁😁
The Vienna Acoustic Liszt were above and beyond the worst speaker I have ever had the displeasure of owning...I cannot imagine The Music sounds any different given the similarities. Dream elsewhere...caveat emptor!