Rega TT owners - phono suggestions?

Enjoying my new Rega rp6 very much.  Super quiet and smooth presentation.  Wondering about phono upgrades in the near future.  I am currently switching between a Graham Slee SE Gram amp 2 and a Jolida JD 9 2 tube preamp.  Both sound good, surprisingly similar actually, but I think I am leaning towards the ever so slightly cleaner presentation of the Gram amp.  The rp6 is kind of mellow, at least compared to my old Dual 1219 that is.  Cart is Rega Exact.  Not much experience with analog gear so looking for suggestions - from Rega owners primarily.  I've read through the past threads, looking for more current suggestions.  Budget around +- 1k I guess for starters.
Rega makes some nice modestly priced integrated amps that I think are a great starting point or landing spot. 
I just compared a Rega Aria with the Graham Slee Accession MM phono stage, and the Slee was a clear winner in my system.  Wonderful detail without harshness, dynamic, and just sounded like music.  I have it paired with a Rega Elex-R, and an Acoustic Signature table with Rega RB 330 arm.  It's a great match.  If you like the Slee that you have, I would heartily recommend moving up to the Accession.  If you can purchase from Music Direct, you will have a generous return period in which to audition it in your system. 

Cheers, Scott