You could probably use a transformer, but I wouldn’t. Maybe my OCD showing through.
I bought two that were US voltage. Kept one and a friend wanted the other one. It is a very good (IMO) vintage tube preamp. Not as good as the current production CL-38uC, which I also own. The US voltage ones are out there and show up from time to time. I also have the plug in SUT for this. The Luxman SUT is very hard to find, but the Sansui a-603 SUT is a plug in replacement and findable.
You might want to do a little more research on Luxman. They made great gear for a long time, but had some bad times in the 1980’s if I recall correctly. Currently they are making great gear.
Good luck with your search.
Jim Perry
You could probably use a transformer, but I wouldn’t. Maybe my OCD showing through.
I bought two that were US voltage. Kept one and a friend wanted the other one. It is a very good (IMO) vintage tube preamp. Not as good as the current production CL-38uC, which I also own. The US voltage ones are out there and show up from time to time. I also have the plug in SUT for this. The Luxman SUT is very hard to find, but the Sansui a-603 SUT is a plug in replacement and findable.
You might want to do a little more research on Luxman. They made great gear for a long time, but had some bad times in the 1980’s if I recall correctly. Currently they are making great gear.
Good luck with your search.
Jim Perry