Do you look for accuracy in a recording, or what pleases you, regardless of what the artist/producer/engineer is trying convey?I listened mostly non commercial music...
Acoustic instrument mostly...
A piano is a piano.... A voice is a voice.... A timbre is accurate or not "for the ears"....Well recorded or less well recorded... This is accuracy for the ears....Different of "accuracy" by the numbers....
I listen the piano playing, not the way the recording engineer decide what is the best way to do it.... I hear well all these choices in different recordings but cannot change them....I listen the Chopin piano nevermind the recording if the pianist is great....
Everybody listen what it please them, but many like electronical,commercial, and non acoustical, bass explosive or loud instrument and voices etc....
Nobody listen a piece of gear for his accuracy by the numbers save deaf engineer who do not test their own design with their own ears.... They are not numerous i guess....
In a word what please me must be the most accurate for my ears but sometimes it is not.... A bad recorded piano playing of Scriabin by Sofronitsky is pure music.... Nevermind the sound....