I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery

Just a quick note.  Things around here on Audiogon have been interesting over the past couple of weeks as I've watched a number of trolls shift the tenor of the discussions.

I wanted to say that I fully support information sharing, doing things ourselves, experimentation and ways to broaden who is among us.

The idea that you are or are not an audiophile based on what you have spent, or what exclusive line of products you have purchased is not one I want to support.  We should find ways to share, not exclude our passion and grow our dwindling numbers.

Building kits and systems with the younger generation is a fantastic way of getting them into STEM as well as into audio, not to mention builds light years worth of knowledge in very little time.  As I've said before, our hobby was built by experimenters, tinkerers and lovers of music much more so than by lovers of spending.

I'll support inclusive, fact based discussions and those who are intellectually curious every time I can.
For me, one of the big benefits from reading the discussions, is when people share their first hand experiences with gear. Be that a component or a tweak. Something they tried, how they felt it worked for them and if it was worth the effort, or $$$'s to acquire it.

And I agree, there has been much in the way of opinions by contributors who have never tried tweaks or listened to the gear in question. And there are a lot of strong opinions being expressed based on a belief of what they think it should do. 

Couldn't care less how much, or how little something costs. I do care what someone who has tried it thinks about it, and the context in which it was being used.

And there is not much in the way of new ideas being introduced here. How many times have you read the question "Has anyone tried doing A to B? I think, if you do A to B, then C may be a possibility?" But I suspect that is more of a DIY thing. 

More often than not, there is a strong negative backlash to any approach or tweak that someone has tried. They feel this works for them and they explain what they hear. Then there are the responses. From people who have not tried it, but they know, in no uncertain terms, that its not possible.  When asked if they have tried it, some variant of "I don't need to taste dog crap to know it tastes like crap" response generally pops up. Which is the opposite of being open minded. And this, there has been a lot more of lately.

Right on Erik. Well said. Just ignore the trolls. If you read their comments they become easy to identify . After that you can now enjoy the benefits of the majority of people that support this forum. 

This has always been a good resource for me and I appreciate the contributions from many knowledgeable people.
Erik Squires,

I could not agree with you more.  I thought I was the only one.  Some of the put downs and cute remarks makes me feel perhaps you need to be a snob to be an audiophile.  What would be funny would be to discover the cute guy doing the put down might be worth 1/10 the amount.  I thought this group was created to encourage people to share and learn rather than troll for opportunities to put someone down.  It would also be interesting to know who the dealers are.

Agreed @erik_squires 

Genuine thanks to all those who share agenda-less, ego-free info. and advice. I’m a relative newbie here, and more of a lurker/learner than a poster/informer, but have benefitted greatly from some of the knowledge here. 
To the extent anyone cares what one relatively newly minted aspiring audiophile (not sure when the ‘aspiring’ can properly be stricken) thinks, I’ll offer the following: if someone like me can name at least five brand names of various components in connotation with your particular username without glancing at your system details, you’re trying too hard. Just my opinion.