True or False?

Many high-end manufactures deny the benefits of tweaking their components with upgraded power cables, fuses, etc. We all can agree that even the best speakers respond to room placement but is it true or not true in (your experiences) that the better your audio components are, the less they respond to various tweaks? 
Maybe not so much in a higher humidity climate.. Zone exclusive tweaks..
A fine brain with a big heart indeed!

Or a big brain with a fine heart.....😊 I am not sure....

You dont need "tweaks" or upgrading for your soul for sure...You even treat your chickens well and even feed them too much....

For your audio system i dont know, because i dont have listen to it....But  i always trust a mechanic who like pipe organ....
Wow. This opened a can of worms. What I have to say is that “generally speaking”, the better quality the system, the greater its ability to demonstrate the sonic improvements in tweaks ( ie better power cables and interconnects, footers, power supplies, etc). Think of your system this way, it is a system of parts and components that all work together. From the breaker box, the wire up to your listening room, the wall outlets, power cables, power regeneration or conditioning, to the components, interconnects, speaker and subwoofer cables to the speakers and subs, it’s a system and every part matters. It may even be along the lines of the sayings regarding the “weakest link”. Well if all your links are lousy, replacing one of the lousy ones with a great one may not make a lot of difference. But if your links are generally really good and you replace one with an exceptional link, now you may hear that difference since the rest of your chain or system has been well optimized. So I say the better the system , the more likely there will be sonic benefits from tweaks. 
One thing to remember which I learned long ago.
$$ money doesnot guarantee your components synergy 
or even top quality . For example I have had several Loudspeaker companies, cable companies hang up on my when I questioned them on their pricing for substandard quality a $80 k speaker using $20 Mundorf evo capacitors, or a very famous British company known for their great custom midrange driver using Xover parts from Taiwan ,Yes sad but true ,the vast majority feel 
a ok capacitor ,resistor, or inductor is good enough ,out of sight 
out of mind .electronics same deal average at best parts even in electronics over $10 k each ,put it in a nice machined case 
And  jack up the price . 
To talk about the obvious . The better the equipment the less you have to tweek but having said that you can still tweek , just less .
"Ok, so what I've gathered here is that the better a component is, the less it needs a tweak yet the more it is affected (not necessarily improved) by one."


If something in a complex construction is changed, if it has any effect at all, that effect will either improve or worsen its operation.

If the tweaks are determined without scientific analysis (as most are), logically 50% of changes will lead to improvements and 50% to worsening.

So guys, what are all the tweaks that worsened SQ in your systems?