One thing to remember which I learned long ago.
$$ money doesnot guarantee your components synergy
or even top quality . For example I have had several Loudspeaker companies, cable companies hang up on my when I questioned them on their pricing for substandard quality a $80 k speaker using $20 Mundorf evo capacitors, or a very famous British company known for their great custom midrange driver using Xover parts from Taiwan ,Yes sad but true ,the vast majority feel
a ok capacitor ,resistor, or inductor is good enough ,out of sight
out of mind .electronics same deal average at best parts even in electronics over $10 k each ,put it in a nice machined case
And jack up the price .
$$ money doesnot guarantee your components synergy
or even top quality . For example I have had several Loudspeaker companies, cable companies hang up on my when I questioned them on their pricing for substandard quality a $80 k speaker using $20 Mundorf evo capacitors, or a very famous British company known for their great custom midrange driver using Xover parts from Taiwan ,Yes sad but true ,the vast majority feel
a ok capacitor ,resistor, or inductor is good enough ,out of sight
out of mind .electronics same deal average at best parts even in electronics over $10 k each ,put it in a nice machined case
And jack up the price .