If the cleaner is dissolved/soluble in the water, sediment filters >0.1 micron will not remove the cleaner. However, for cleaners such as Tergikleen that are a combinations of a soluble chemical Tergitol 15-S-9 and insoluble Tergitol 15-S-3, the insoluble chemical which exists as an emulsion may be filtered-out depending on how fine is the filter. L’Art Du Son also contains an insoluble chemical that may be filtered out. Alcohol, Triton X100, Tergitol 15-S-9, & ILFORD ILFOTO are all soluble and will pass through sediment filters. However, activated charcoal filters can partially remove some soluble chemicals. Many people use pumps/sediment filters to extend US bath life.
If the cleaner is dissolved/soluble in the water, sediment filters >0.1 micron will not remove the cleaner. However, for cleaners such as Tergikleen that are a combinations of a soluble chemical Tergitol 15-S-9 and insoluble Tergitol 15-S-3, the insoluble chemical which exists as an emulsion may be filtered-out depending on how fine is the filter. L’Art Du Son also contains an insoluble chemical that may be filtered out. Alcohol, Triton X100, Tergitol 15-S-9, & ILFORD ILFOTO are all soluble and will pass through sediment filters. However, activated charcoal filters can partially remove some soluble chemicals. Many people use pumps/sediment filters to extend US bath life.