Half speed masters. Are they worth the extra scratch?

I just purchased a Dire Straits Brothers in Arms half speed master. I'm using a Pioneer PL530 TT. Can this album be played successfully on my TT? I put it on 45 rpm but there is no way to tell if it is spinning at the right speed. The speed control is working but not keeping a steady reading like when I play a normal 33 record. It sounds good but I'm wondering if they should be played on a different table. Also is it worth it to pay extra money for these? I payed 50$ for this album. Thanks for any information.
In the early days of half-speed mastering, companies like Mofi obtained copies of the original master tapes. Over time these master tapes deteriorate with print through and delamination problems, and so now many half-speed 180 gram records are produced from digital copies made by the record companies to protect their analogue archives. In many cases I have found the original pressings superior to the newer "versions" - buyers need to purchase from reputable sources - beware !! Try to seek out Nimbus pressings for Hi-Fi Today magazine (on eBay), these are genuine half-speed masters using the original master tapes and virgin vinyl. Good hunting !!! I bought all but two of the originals when they were first offered to readers, so I am on the lookout to complete my set.
Ok, just purchased my first better-records.com "hot-stamper" records.

Time to put my ears, brain and equipment to the test. Can't wait to start listening when the needle drops...
Great thread.  MillerCarbon, great explanation of how this works.  It is, as you say, contrary to the notion that you generally want tape speed to roll fast--i.e. think VCRs or reel-to-reel--faster taping speed the better.  Here, we're dealing with something different. This makes great sense the way you explained it.
Thanks to everyone for the input. I can definitely tell the difference between the master, original and streaming. Special thanks to @oldhvymc for explaining the purpose of the strobe. I will invest in a few albums that I like to listenin to their intirity. Maybe a better cart. 
Ok, just purchased my first better-records.com "hot-stamper" records.

Time to put my ears, brain and equipment to the test. Can’t wait to start listening when the needle drops...

Congratulations! You are in for a surprise! What did you get?

Wait till you see how they are packaged. Easily the most secure shipping I have ever seen.