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Looking to possibly upgrade from a VPI HW-19 jr with MK 3 platter. This unit was purchased secondhand in 1998. The MK 3 platter was added a few years back. This unit has provided zero issues over the years. My only complaint with the unit it the notorious Grado hum from the 120v motor. Requirements for next unit are a hinged dust cover, dimensions roughly the same as the VPI, and must be secondhand or demo. 5-6k max money wise. Been looking at the Mobile Fidelity unit. Not sure it would be a step up in performance. Also looking at the Thorens with the semi auto function. Keep the VPI and upgrade it to a mk 4? Any ideas would be welcome.
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Yes absolutely, for that money you can buy a brand new Sota. They have excellent dust covers and a great suspension. You can pound on one with a hammer and it will not skip. You want to look at the Sapphire. I would get a used SME arm for it from these guys. http://www.smetonearms.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16&products_id=75
Rather than upgrading the VPI to Mk.4, look for a TNT-3/4 platter (7/8" lead-lined aluminum bottom, 3/8" Delrin top layer) or TNT-5 platter (5/8" stainless steel bottom, 7/8" Delrin top) and bearing.

The subchassis of the VPI has a 1" hole drilled for the platter bearing, and some of the TNT bearings are also of 1" diameter (others are 1.25"), so will slide right into place. Either choice under $500.

For the Grado/motor hum, there are shielding materials made than can be wrapped around the motor.

Remove the stock suspension springs, place a set of Townshend Seismic Pods under the subchassis (sitting on the shelf, not the HW-19 wooden outer base).

By the way, the HW-19 Jr,. and Mk.1 and Mk.2 had steel painted black subchassis, the Mk.3 and Mk.4 unpainted stainless steel. The Jr. and Mk.1 have a 1/2" layer of MDF on top of the steel, the Mk.2/3/4 1/2" acrylic.

There is a guy parting out an HW-19 right now (I don't remember where. A Hi-Fi Shark search should lead you to it), the base and subchassis separately. And on USAM there is an HW-19 upgraded with a TNT-5 platter and SAMA (Stand Alone Motor), asking price around $2200.
For a package a used SOTA Sapphire is hard to beat. Made in Delevan. Good people.
Buy a Linn sondek lp 12 and be done....a design that has stood the test of time, and it looks darn good too.