NPS-1260 Connection fluid

Interesting item.  May try.

any others use it?
How is it that this particular product is allowed  to get panned by people who have not tried it?   Is the hired shill on coffee break or something?

I took a chance on this product. After I applied it sparingly to my RCA interconnects, my system went “dark” (higher frequency slightly attenuated, midrange flattened a bit) but something positive was happening with the spatial presentation, the clarity and the reduction of harshness...after a couple days that darkness lifted and the sound was still improved in areas of clarity, dimensionality and overall ease of presentation. I call it like I hear it and though I don’t understand how it’s doing what it’s doing in my system, it’s results are as advertised/promoted.

Wow.  Praise be. Immortality is possible. 
Could also be do to reduced earwax congestion.
I don't know about immortal. But I have been around by latest estimate 15 billion years. Or maybe 20. Hard to know. Anything past the last 63 or so gets a little hazy.