NPS-1260 Connection fluid

Interesting item.  May try.

any others use it?

I took a chance on this product. After I applied it sparingly to my RCA interconnects, my system went “dark” (higher frequency slightly attenuated, midrange flattened a bit) but something positive was happening with the spatial presentation, the clarity and the reduction of harshness...after a couple days that darkness lifted and the sound was still improved in areas of clarity, dimensionality and overall ease of presentation. I call it like I hear it and though I don’t understand how it’s doing what it’s doing in my system, it’s results are as advertised/promoted.

Wow.  Praise be. Immortality is possible. 
Could also be do to reduced earwax congestion.
I don't know about immortal. But I have been around by latest estimate 15 billion years. Or maybe 20. Hard to know. Anything past the last 63 or so gets a little hazy.
+1 davkobza
I all so applied it in small amounts and got great results. Did not coat the whole power prongs  just the tips. About a half inch from the tip, thin coat got great results. Now that i see how good this product s i may go back and add more to each spot where i applied a small thin coat.