Hard to believe all the crap that flows thru an ethernet cable

So apparently lots of crappy stuff needs to be cleaned up from your ethernet cable before reaching a dac.  
And to thoroughly clean it up you are wise to spend $1300 for an optical rendu device, and sound quality drastically improves.  Wow. Sounds like a great deal.  
I guess a really good dac with galvanic stuff going on and strong pwer control needs more help.

do i really need a rendu device? I see it on high end systems so that seems good.
What addl isolation do u recommend?

i have a chord tt2 dac and it has galvanic stuffgoing on. Thx
Just for reference what sort of "crap" are you hearing or measuring?

If this is another everyone says there's crap so there must be crap and I need to worry about it question, then ignore my question. 
What addl isolation do u recommend?
I don't know, but $1300 seems to be excessive.
Mr jones,
 i am referring to the ethernet stuff that peole pay thousands for a digital interface device that gets rid of noise, etc.

any recommendations?

dacs dont have ethernet so it means a device is needed between dac and switch to i prove sq.  So what do the smart people do?

I connect my streamer to my router with Cat6a cable about 50ft long since the router is in my home office..