Horns are fun and some of the real good ones. Everest, VOT, Jensen Imperials, Have some of the nicest cabinets made for their time and now if your into HUGE (normally) ply cabinets..
Me I’m a small planar guy. 3-10" or so.. 8" Monsoon neos are mighty hard to beat for speed, accuracy, power handling and frequency range
The new GSRs can work from 300hz to 20Khz 50 watts continuous power.. and 49.00 usd per unit.. EASY load... Wire them at 8 - 16 ohms and drive them with an A or A/B valves amp.. 20-200 watts they don’t care..
I’m pretty fond of ring and domes too. I think for rock and roll one of the best speakers I heard were Infinities QLS1 40 yeas ago.. Man you get those to sound good.. They use to fill the base with sand and tune that Watson to the room. Came with different resistors for ceiling height..
As a matter of fact I have 24 just waiting for a nice narrow baffle about about 8" wide.. A single AC G1 ribbon for the highs.. Maybe 72" tall. Two railroad ties stacked aught to work.... :-)
YUP... Time to feed the chickens..